Saturday, December 21, 2013


My people, stand on my rock, and whenever you waiver or feel weak, draw deep from Me all the strength that you need.  Don't be afraid of taking too much, for I am never empty.  I am the Lord, your God.  I want to give you life.  My precious grace, strength, love, and mercy is for you.  These are the things that give you life.  My people, are  there any of you that do not have life within you?  Then come, stand on My rock.  Draw deep from Me all that you need.  Dont' be afraid.  I desire for you all that I have.  Draw deep from Me.  I am Yahweh, your God.  I desire for you to have all the riches of My mercy, My grace, and My strength.  Come now and stand on My rock.


Friday, December 20, 2013


My people, I am calling you to bring all of your weaknesses before me whatever they may be, and I will bring forth good from it and you shall be strong.  Know that I have chosen Moses and used him in his weakness.  Moses had a speech defect and he begged me to call on someone else to lead the people out of Egypt. I replied with gentle firmness "who makes mouths?"  Isn't it I, the Lord? Who makes a man so that he can speak or not speak?  See, or not see?  Hear or not hear? Now go ahead  and do as I tell you for I will help you speak well and I will tell you what to say.  Know too that I have chosen Paul.  Paul had a affliction, a thorn in his side, and he begged me to remove the affliction from him, to heal him, but I said, "no, my grace is sufficient for thee."  Hear me, my people, just as I have chosen Moses and Paul, I have chosen you.  Say yes to me.  Do not say you are not worthy.  Please do not turn me away or beg me to choose someone else.  I want to use you in a great way.   Let the power of my spirit take charge over your weakness.  You are my chosen ones; you are my apostles.  Bring all of your weaknesses before me and I will bring forth good from it and you shall be strong.  Say "yes" to me.  Now then, come follow me.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Potter and Me

When Jesus my Potter first saw me on that long ago day
Saw that I was nothing but a big Ol' lump of clay

It wasn't very easy to let Jesus work inside of me
It hurts sometimes and I wanted him to just let me be

Sometimes he takes me way way out of my comfort zone
Sometimes he reaches inside my heart and chisels out that ugly stone

Sometimes he allows me to have so so much pain
That I cry a river of tears while standing in the rain

After many months and years and up to this very day
I am no more just a big Ol' lump of clay

My Potter's work is far is far from done
But when he's finished I will be so much like Jesus the Son

Rejoice Rejoice no matter where you stand
For you will always be in Jesus hands

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Brady: YOU ARE ALL I WILL EVER NEED: When I'm in so much pain with tears falling down my face and when I 'm healthy again and hurting not, Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside ...


 When I'm in so much pain with tears falling down my face and when I 'm healthy again and hurting not, Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside my heart I know you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

When I'm feeling lonely and my heart aches deep inside and when a special friend arrives, I am hurting not.  Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside my heart I know you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

When I'm so worried about the bills I cannot pay and when I feel secure again and I'm hurting not.  Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside my heart I know you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

When I'm grieving over the loss of a Beloved One and when I feel alive again, I am hurting not.  Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside my heart I know you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

When I'm discouraged about some things that are happening here and when I feel hopeful again and I am hurting not.  Oh sweet Jesus way deep down inside my heart I know you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

Doesn't matter whether you have good days or not
Jesus, you are all I will ever need, you are all I've got.

Marianne Brady   October 13th, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Father's Day June 19, 2011

Today I went to the cemetary and cleaned and polished and buffed Mom, Dad, and brother Bob' grave head stones.  The shined like a well polished shoe.  The grave stone next to Dad was neglected and grass covered almost all of the head I said, poor woman who was a wife and mother was seeemingly forgotten and so I pulled away all the grass and cleaned and polished and buffed her grave head stone too.  Her name was Celia.  I put fresh flowers on Mom's grave too.  When July comes around, I will get a small flag and put it on my brother, Bob's grave and put nice flowers there too.

I told Bob..your daughters are doing great and you were a great Dad.  Happy Father's day  Bob.  I told Dad...I am who I am today because of all the lessons you taught me in my life.  Your actions spoke louder than worked hard every day to provide for me and you gave me encouragement and support when I needed it.  Never was I more proud of you when you became a deacon and wore those special vestments giving your all to doing the Lord's work.  I am proud to carry the Brady name..I may never fill your shoes...but I am doing my best to serve God by helping others in little ways and in big ways.  You paved the path by delivering turkey dinners to those who were going thru hard times and didn't have money to put food on the table.  I remember the time when you and I together would give tootsie rolls to people that put money in our jars for the mentally challenged youngsters.  You helped so many people.  You were  a special driver to those who needed a ride to the pharmacy to pick up their medication, and others who needed to get groceries or go see the doctor.  I use my car also to help others.  Happy Father's Day Dad!!

When Mom was alive and we visited  Dad and Bob's grave...she also bent down to take care of a head stone that was not in our family and it would be badly neglected.  She would pull away the grass so you can see the name on the marker  and if there were flowers  that were long dead, she would take them and throw them out.  So I am now doing what she did.

We all need to make a difference in this world...To leave a legacy of kindness, to help others in time of need.  Thank you Jesus for my Mom and Dad.