Friday, December 20, 2013


My people, I am calling you to bring all of your weaknesses before me whatever they may be, and I will bring forth good from it and you shall be strong.  Know that I have chosen Moses and used him in his weakness.  Moses had a speech defect and he begged me to call on someone else to lead the people out of Egypt. I replied with gentle firmness "who makes mouths?"  Isn't it I, the Lord? Who makes a man so that he can speak or not speak?  See, or not see?  Hear or not hear? Now go ahead  and do as I tell you for I will help you speak well and I will tell you what to say.  Know too that I have chosen Paul.  Paul had a affliction, a thorn in his side, and he begged me to remove the affliction from him, to heal him, but I said, "no, my grace is sufficient for thee."  Hear me, my people, just as I have chosen Moses and Paul, I have chosen you.  Say yes to me.  Do not say you are not worthy.  Please do not turn me away or beg me to choose someone else.  I want to use you in a great way.   Let the power of my spirit take charge over your weakness.  You are my chosen ones; you are my apostles.  Bring all of your weaknesses before me and I will bring forth good from it and you shall be strong.  Say "yes" to me.  Now then, come follow me.

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